Facebook This Listing Is Being Reviewed After Boost

thumbs down - tall - stockunlimitedRunning Facebook ads means at some point y'all'll accept ads that are not canonical for one reason or another.

Information technology's not the end of the world, simply sometimes it tin be confusing for those of us who are genuinely trying to do the correct affair.

If you've ever had an advertizing rejected with a fairly vague reason every bit to why, y'all know it can exist difficult to figure out exactly which part of your advertisement caused the trouble.

Even worse, information technology can sometimes have longer than 24 hours to get the ad reviewed in the showtime place. Get rejected and you might be waiting some other 24 hours.

In this article yous'll acquire virtually some of the common causes for ad rejections that a lot of people aren't enlightened of, and how to avoid them. The goal is to help you get more ads approved and stay on Facebook's good side.

Offset, permit's talk about the Facebook ad review process.

The advertizement review process (how it works)

Earlier we get into what not to exercise with your ads, let'due south take a quick wait at how the Facebook ad approval process works.

Beginning, you need to realise that the size of the actual ads team at Facebook is extremely small compared to the number of advertisers they have using the platform. In their Q4 2015 earnings written report, Facebook announced that they accept over 2.5 million advertisers using the platform.

Imaging how many individual ads are created each twenty-four hours past two.five million advertisers!

Assuming that there are but a few hundred people in the advertising team, that's a tiny number of people to handle so many new ads each mean solar day.

Facebook don't publicly discuss how the blessing works behind the scenes, but based on my feel and the experiences of others, I believe information technology'southward a mix of automated processes and humans checking our ads.

Here'southward why I believe there's some automation backside the process (algorithms scanning over ads and approval / rejecting them).

  • I regularly see ads get approved in under 10 minutes. That's fast for a manual review!
  • I've also seen my own ads become approved in under 10 minutes and then change to 'rejected' 24 hours later. That gives me the impression that it was automatically approved the first time, and someone manually reviewed my ad afterwards and rejected it.
  • Some ads accept upward to 24 hours to go approved. That makes me think that they went direct to the queue for manual review rather than beingness machine-canonical showtime.

Then how long should y'all expect to wait for your advertising to get approved?

The answer from Facebook is: "Typically nearly ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer."

The ads team will review your ad confronting the Facebook Advertising Policies to make sure your ads are 100% compliant. The best way to avoid getting your ads rejected is to empathise these policies well and stick to them.

If your ad is still pending review afterwards 24 hours, simply be patient. Sometimes it does take longer. You just accept to await information technology out.

Now allow'southward talk nearly how you can avoid that waiting by getting more of your ads approved. Nosotros'll beginning with a quick look at the mindset needed to create Facebook compliant ads on a consistent ground.

How to Stay on Facebook's Practiced Side

If yous sympathize Facebook's intentions backside their rules information technology volition aid relieve you from virtually of your ad approval problems.

The kickoff thing y'all demand to realise is that Facebook's users are more important than us every bit advertisers.

If you and I both stopped advertising on Facebook tomorrow it wouldn't matter considering another 2 advertisers will fill that gap pretty apace. As long as there are over one billion monthly active users, there will always be new advertisers.

But if the users went abroad there would be nobody to annunciate to, meaning no one would keep running ads. That means a big hit to Facebook's bottom line.

And then it makes sense that Facebook's priority is to protect the experience of their users. At that place needs to be a balance of advertisers being able to sell on the platform without ruining the experience for Facebook's users.

That's why there are advert policies. Without them, it'southward almost guaranteed advertisers would but ruin the platform completely.

Next fourth dimension you're creating a Facebook advert campaign, keep in mind that the user experience is priority #ane. Getting into this mindset will non simply help you become more Facebook ads approved, it will increase your conversion rate likewise.

Put simply – abrasive, deceitful ads might go people to click, but it'south a short game and will cost you in the long run.

For every person that clicks, you're probably annoying x others. And for those 10 others you've damaged your brand, some to a point where they won't ever become a customer.

And for every person that clicks and doesn't get what they expect or feels like you duped them into clicking, you've definitely turned them off your brand for life.

You lot'll come across some more specific examples of the type of user feel Facebook wants to create & how that affects yous as an advertiser later in this post.

For now, let'southward talk about some mutual reasons why your Facebook ad might not get approved and what you should do instead.

All-time Practices For Facebook Ad Images

Images used to be a very common reason for rejection because Facebook had a very strict dominion that images had to contain less than 20% text.
That'south no longer the example , but yous should still be enlightened of how text on images is currently treated by Facebook.

Ads With Lots of Text Won't be Rejected, Only They Will Toll More

If an ad contains also much text, Facebook will penalize you lot by restricting its reach. That means fewer people will actually come across your advertisement.

There are now 4 different 'levels' of text in a Facebook ad
  1. OK
  2. Depression
  3. Medium
  4. High

You want all of your images to autumn into the 'OK' category.

That's the only way to avoid being penalized with reduced reach.

We used to be able to separate an image into an even five 10 v filigree, and simply 5 of the squares could contain text . If more than 5 of those squares contain whatsoever text at all, even role of a letter, your ad would have been rejected.

Now yous demand to utilise the Facebook Text Overlay Tool to check all of your images.

Information technology'south the merely reliable way to know if Facebook will consider your prototype to incorporate as well much text or not.

Text on images includes:

  • Logos and slogans.
    • Images with text overlay (ex: watermarks).
    • Images that are conspicuously edited to include text on the product as a loophole to policy.

Simply upload an epitome to the grid tool, highlight all boxes with text in them and if you terminate up with more than five highlighted squares it means y'all take too much text.

facebook text overlay

An example of an image that has a suitable corporeality of text

Don't Include Prohibited Content

Prohibited content is defined clearly in the Facebook Advertising Policies .

My advice: Check the policies regularly (at to the lowest degree weekly if you're running ads all the fourth dimension).

I won't re-write the entire list of things that are prohibited past Facebook and waste material both of our fourth dimension because by the time you read this it would exist out of appointment anyway.

Instead, I'll comprehend a few of the more common ones that people miss completely or just misunderstand (the policies tin be a bit generic/vague, and I'm sure that's by blueprint).

No before & after shots

Facebook are really strict on this one. You simply tin can't use earlier & after shots in your ad images.

Yous likewise tin't show "ideal body" or body part images. Pregnant showing a person with a half dozen-pack to promote your weight-loss supplement is a not immune.

Images can't be 'overly sexual'

That means yous tin can't practice things similar imply nudity, show too much skin or cleavage, or focus on unnecessary torso parts. And aye, that counts fifty-fifty if information technology's artistic or educational.

No content that infringes upon or violates rights

That includes copyrights, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights. In short, yous tin can merely use content in your ads that you have the right to use.

This is a big one. Lots of people are surprised when they apply a brand's logo, characters etc. in an advertisement and it subsequently gets rejected.

Violent or scary images

That means no car wrecks, confronting images like someone pointing a gun at another person, or anything else that is violent, scary or disturbing.

Fake Buttons

Running a static image advertising that takes people to a video after they click the ad? Just make sure y'all don't have a play push on your Facebook image ad.

You aren't allowed to use images that 'portray not-existent functionality'. That means you can't brand a notwithstanding epitome look like a video by adding a play push button to information technology.


Because information technology deceives users. They click the image thinking it will play a video in Facebook, when it in fact takes them to your website.

facebook video ad example

Play buttons are ok on videos, but not on static image ads

Showing Age-Restricted Fabric to an Audience That's Too Immature

Advertisement alcohol or other age restricted material is ok, with a few conditions.

  1. Information technology tin't be on the list of prohibited content
  2. You need to respect the historic period restrictions in the countries you are ad.

For example, in Australia the legal drinking historic period is 18. So you tin can run ads for booze to an audience aged 18+ in Australia. However to run those same ads in the US you will need to heighten the minimum age of your advertizing prepare to 21.

Facebook Ad Re-create

Copy is the text you lot apply in your headline and trunk of your ad, and your ads won't go canonical if your copy isn't compliant.

Let's commencement by talking about what Facebook says are the most common copy-related reasons for ads being rejected past Facebook.

Mentioning Facebook in Your Ads

Yep, you can mention Facebook in your ads, but at that place are strict rules for doing and so.

Here are the exercise's and don'ts, directly from Facebook'south ad policies:


  • Write "Facebook" with a upper-case letter "F"
  • Brandish the discussion "Facebook" in the same font size and style equally the content surrounding information technology


  • Employ the Facebook logo in identify of the give-and-take "Facebook"
  • Make Facebook plural, utilize it as a verb or abridge it
  • Use an altered version of the Facebook logo in the image for your ad

You tin't assert or imply personal attributes in your ads

This applies to both your copy and your images, but information technology's more common for people to become ads rejected for the copy.

What this means is you can't say things like: "You're an 18 year old male and then yous will want to check out our product".

Call up dorsum to what I said about the user feel before and information technology volition help y'all understand why Facebook doesn't want yous doing this.

Facebook has a TON of information almost its users. That's what makes it so constructive equally an advertising platform.

Only past pointing out personal attributes it does a couple of things. Kickoff, information technology freaks people out. Past pointing out just how much Facebook knows about you and how advertisers tin use that data y'all make users uncomfortable.

2nd, you risk breaking Facebook'southward dominion that says: "Y'all must non use targeting options to discriminate confronting, harass, provoke, or disparage users or to engage in predatory advertising practices."

Avoid using the words "your" and "other" as a full general dominion to keep out of problem.

Hither are some examples of what you tin can and can't say:

fb ad personal attributes

At present it's important to note that this isn't virtually individual words. Information technology's about the context in which yous use them.

For example, using the word "your" doesn't mean your advertizement won't get approved.

You could say "New car launder makes is easier to clean your automobile", and that fine because you aren't pointing out whatever personal attributes.

This is why you need to focus on the context and not just individual words.

Detect the example "Bank check out our product designed for men like you" doesn't apply the word "your" or "other" simply it does imply personal attributes so yous won't get approved if you lot utilize that text.

Don't make users feel bad almost themselves

Your ads should not make users feel bad near themselves or their current situation. Making users sad and depressed isn't a practiced user experience, so if you do that, your ads will be rejected.

If people are fabricated to experience like crap every time they bank check the news feed because ads talk nigh how their weight is affecting their family, or how their life is bad because…. And then they won't keep using Facebook for long.

Make sure your copy uses a positive tone wherever possible. Proverb things like "Tired of being overweight?" Will be rejected as quickly as you tin press the submit button.

You can alter that message into a positive one by saying something like "Experience dandy by starting your day with a morn workout" instead (let's assume this is an ad for a personal trainer).

Once again, information technology's all about context, but as a general rule try to use a positive tone in your ad re-create.

Don't Make Unrealistic Claims

Writing ad copy that says "how to lose 50lbs in 1 week without exercising or eating less" is a bang-up way to get your ad rejected.

It volition probably get your ad account shut down equally well.

I'm certain you lot'll concord this claim is merely a footling flake unrealistic… and Facebook specifically states in its ad policies that you can't brand unrealistic claims.

It doesn't have to be related to weight loss either. Crazy, outlandish claims, no matter what industry you're in will become your Facebook advertizement rejected.

The best style to avoid this is to wait at what you're claiming and ask if what you lot're claiming is achievable for 99% of people who come across the ad.

If then, you're likely to be ok.

If not, it's time to rethink your copy.

Another fashion to avoid this is to avoid promising specific results in specific time frames.

For example:

"Become 3 new clients in 30 minutes" is an unrealistic result for most of your audition. Sure, it may exist possible,  only non for the boilerplate Joe.

Simply if you change that to "Get 3 new clients, even if yous're but starting out", it removes the specified fourth dimension frame and is much more than realistic.

Display URL

Ane of the most common reasons for ads being rejected today is because the display URL doesn't match the domain that the advert is sending people to.

The 'display URL' is the URL that is displayed at the bottom of the ad.

url description

The reason Facebook will turn down your ad if the link text doesn't match where you're sending people when they click the advert is simple. Facebook wants to protect the user experience. They don't want united states deceiving users.

If a user sees a URL on an advert, but is sent to a different URL when they click, then they are likely to feel deceived.

The solution is to either get out the link text blank when yous create your ad, or brand sure your link text matches your domain.

Example where the Display URL does not match the linked domain

url description doesn't match

Instance where the Brandish URL does friction match the linked domain

same domain url description

Be Clear On What You're Selling

According to this presentation , if yous're selling a production or service, you need to be clear about that in your advertizing.

For example, your advertisement should not give users the impression that they will be getting free information, only for them to exist sent to a product sales page when they click the ad.

If you are describing a production or a solution/fix in your advertising, y'all should include an image of the production in your ad.

What to do if an ad is incorrectly rejected

Equally I mentioned earlier, sometimes ads get rejected when they should actually exist canonical.

If that happens to you, the skilful news is information technology's fairly unproblematic to appeal the rejection. If & when information technology happens, the offset thing you demand to practice is be 100% certain that it is a fault and your advert is actually compliant.

If that's the instance, you will run into a link to entreatment the decision in the rejection notice in your ad manager.

These are real people you are writing to. I shouldn't accept to say this, but always be polite, courteous and explain why yous call back your advert should have been approved clearly and succinctly.

Every time I take washed this the ads team take been extremely helpful and canonical my ads really rapidly.


Avoid these common mistakes when you're creating your Facebook ads from now on and I'yard sure you'll showtime seeing more of your ads become approved.

As I mentioned, these are a combination of the near common mistakes and things that I oft see at the cause of rejections that aren't specifically mentioned in ad policy.

Always keep a close centre on the Facebook ad policies . They alter as ofttimes as a few times per week, so it'southward not something you can bank check in one case and never wait at again.

Retrieve, this is just for the ad creatives. Your landing page that y'all ship users to as well needs to exist compliant with Facebook'south policies. Make certain you also read this mail on how to create a Facebook landing page that won't get your advert account close down .

In case you would like a quick reference to go along nearby that you can check every time you ready new ads, I've put one together for yous. Information technology'due south a condensed version of what we talked about in this mail service so you can become through it like a checklist earlier you submit new ads. Catch a re-create using the link beneath.

Over to you. Take you had ads rejected in the past? And was it for any of the reasons I've merely mentioned? Tell me about it in the comments beneath!


Source: https://andrewhubbard.co/facebook-ad-not-approved/

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